Tonnie van der Zouwen
- Auteur
Tonnie (A.) van der Zouwen studied Ecology and Change Management. After a career as researcher, teacher and organisational consultant she now works as an independent consultant, and as a lecturer at Tilburg University in the Netherlands. She guides organisations and networks in developing their change capacities. She does this by introducing interactive change methods, bringing people together beyond the boundaries of organisations and disciplines.
She writes informative handbooks and articles about these methods, educates professionals on how to apply and evaluate them and she also supervises master students in qualitative research on interventions for organisational change.
She writes informative handbooks and articles about these methods, educates professionals on how to apply and evaluate them and she also supervises master students in qualitative research on interventions for organisational change.
Tonnie (A.) van der Zouwen studied Ecology and Change Management. After a career as researcher, teacher and organisational consultant she now works as an independent consultant, and as a lecturer at Tilburg University in the Netherlands. She guides organisations and networks in developing their change capacities. She does this by introducing interactive change methods, bringing people together beyond the boundaries of organisations and disciplines.
She writes informative handbooks and articles about these methods, educates professionals on how to apply and evaluate them and she also supervises master students in qualitative research on interventions for organisational change.
She writes informative handbooks and articles about these methods, educates professionals on how to apply and evaluate them and she also supervises master students in qualitative research on interventions for organisational change.
Boeken van Tonnie van der Zouwen
Tonnie van der Zouwen
Co-creatie in werkbijeenkomsten
Dit boek gaat je helpen bij het vormgeven van co-creatie in bijeenkomsten met belanghebbenden.
Tonnie van der Zouwen
Actieonderzoek doen
Actieonderzoek is een aanpak voor praktijkgericht onderzoek waarbij je onderzoek doet ín de praktijk mét mensen uit die praktijk.
Interviews en artikelen (1)
Co-creatie in werkbijeenkomsten - Het onzichtbare zichtbaar maken
| 14 maart 2023
Co-creatie in werkbijeenkomsten belooft basisprincipes voor het organiseren van co-creatie in werkbijeenkomsten als onderdeel van een groter veranderproces en twaalf praktische methoden om co-creatie in werkbijeenkomsten handen en voeten te geven. De auteur, Tonnie van der Zouwen, vertelt erover in haar preview.