Rosie Collington
- Auteur
Rosie Collington is a PhD candidate at the UCL Institute for Innovation and Public Purpose, where she researches the political economy of outsourcing. She has written on consulting and other subjects for publications including the Guardian, OpenDemocracy and the Independent. Her academic research has been published by New Political Economy and the Institute for New Economic Thinking, and she has conducted policy research for a number of organisations including the British Heart Foundation and Common Wealth.
Rosie Collington is a PhD candidate at the UCL Institute for Innovation and Public Purpose, where she researches the political economy of outsourcing. She has written on consulting and other subjects for publications including the Guardian, OpenDemocracy and the Independent. Her academic research has been published by New Political Economy and the Institute for New Economic Thinking, and she has conducted policy research for a number of organisations including the British Heart Foundation and Common Wealth.
Boeken van Rosie Collington
Mariana Mazzucato
Rosie Collington
De consultancy industrie
Consultancy belemmert innovatie en vertroebelt zakelijke en politieke verantwoordelijkheden. De auteurs leggen in dit boek de machtsverschuivingen en afhankelijkheden bloot.
Interviews en artikelen (1)
Consultancy - Tussen adviseren en disruptie
| 10 oktober 2023
Er is een groeiende weerstand tegen de grote consultancybedrijven. Het gaat voornamelijk over hun verdienmodel en hun ethisch kompas. Nu veel bedrijven en overheden worstelen met het neerzetten van plannen voor duurzaamheid en daar dan weer consultants voor gaan inhuren, rijst de vraag: moeten we dit zo vol blijven houden?