John Hermarij is visionair, ideoloog en trendwatcher. Heeft sinds 1980 ervaring met projectmanagement en sinds 2000 werkt hij als adviseur/trainer bij Dhirata.
Meer over John HermarijIPMA-D based on ICB 4 Courseware
Paperback Engels 2017 1e druk 9789401801652Samenvatting
The Courseware package consist out of two publications, IPMA-D based on ICB 4 Courseware and Better Practices of Project Management Based on IPMA competences - 4th revised edition.
This training consists out of four days, which provide preparation for the D exams. The course covers the subjects at a fast pace. The course has been structured to align with the structure and scope of the competence elements in the ICB version 4, divided into Practice competences, People competences and Perspective competences.
Apart from the certificate that you will ultimately receive, the broad knowledge of project management you gain during the training is much more important. The exam serves as an incentive, whereby you delve into the books and immerse yourself in the theory. When at a later stage, following certification, you are looking for a particular project management solution, this training and study ensures that you know where you can find these.
An IPMA Level D Certificate is an important step in your professional development. This courseware supports every project professional to obtain enough knowledge of IPMA's competence model and prepare successfully or an IPMA Level D exam.
IPMA Certificering is the Certification Body for IPMA in the Netherlands. Would you like to know more about IPMA Certificering? Please visit: http://www.ipmacertificeren.nl/
Day 1
Content Day 1
What is project management?
Project management success 10
The Idea: What is project management 13
Involve stakeholders 18
Requirements and goals 22
Scope & Deliverables 25
Work breakdown structure 28
Quality 32
The project lifecycle 38
The Agile approach 44
The project management plan 49
Day 2 55
Content Day 2 56
Methods of Estimation 56
The Critical Path
Resource scheduling 68
Budget 73
Roles and responsibilities 76
Concept of risk 84
Risk management processes 86
Control and reports 94
Project Control
– Slip charts 98
Close out 104
Day 3 109
Content Day 3 109
The Core Quadrant 110
Johari Window 115
The 4 layers of a message 120
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Asking the right question 123
The uses of argument 129
Active listening 131
Types of ethics 136
Motivation 144
Hersey & Blanchard 155
- Tuckman 158
Day 4 159
Content Day 4 160
Organisational culture 160
Cultural dimensions 167
Type of conflicts 171
Conflict management 175
Negotiation: Mutual gains 179
Creativity techniques 184
Leadership 188
Projects, programs and portfolio 194
SWOT analysis 198
Multiple Choice Exam 206
Answers Multiple Choice Exam
Open Questions Exam 214
Answers Open Questions 22
Study book reverence register 227
- advisering
- algemeen management
- coaching en trainen
- communicatie en media
- economie
- financieel management
- inkoop en logistiek
- internet en social media
- it-management / ict
- juridisch
- leiderschap
- marketing
- mens en maatschappij
- non-profit
- ondernemen
- organisatiekunde
- personal finance
- personeelsmanagement
- persoonlijke effectiviteit
- projectmanagement
- psychologie
- reclame en verkoop
- strategisch management
- verandermanagement
- werk en loopbaan